Sunday, April 8, 2012

Planar Abstraction: Cardboard Sculpture!

In this project, 3D students were given the task of designing abstract, complex, planar constructions based on observation of organic structures using ONLY corrugated cardboard.  We studied mechanical joints, talked about ground planes, and used tape to incorporate color. We REALLY slowed down and took our time on this project... but it was so worth it!  Great job you guys!

 Krysta Johnson         

Jessica Stoskpf

Jennifer Jacobsen

Alasia Townsend

Antares Martin


Mike Henry

Reggie Still

Although this student strayed a bit from answering the design problem given in the assignment, her hard work, craftsmanship, and exquisite attention to detail have earned her a spot on the blog!

Cynthia Privott

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