Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gallery Visits : Drawing I

Drawing I students were asked to visit an art gallery of their choosing and write a short (1page) summary/analysis of their experience.  Here are some short excerpts from their papers:

Nathaniel Edwards on Henry Ossawa Tanner's The Banjo Lesson, 1893 at Hampton University Museum :

"The painting reminded me of my father, who has taught me many things."

Jennifer Armstrong on Robert Sites' paintings at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art :

"In my opinion, the paintings were very busy with many different things going on, but they had good composition and balance.  his collection included clown figures and animals alongside flat abstract shapes and flat planes of color."

Lauren Tatro on Gustave Dore's The Neophyte (First Experience of the Monastery), 1866-1868 at the Chrysler Museum of Art :

"I believe many of us may possibly feel what this picture displays everyday."

"The Neophyte brings (depicts) human characteristics such as regret, contemplation, and longing to be free...."

Eternal Tango, 2004    

Sarah Jenkins on Gloria Coker's paintings at the Blue Skies Gallery in dowtown Hampton:

"In almost all of her dance paintings the woman is wearing a red dress.  I think the choice of red shows the passion that she has for this focus."

Jessie Walker on Alison Nicholls's watercolor Chillin at The Pennisula Fine Art Center :

"This painting held my attention for quite some time.  It is a partial arctic scene, but she incorporated warm colors in with the cool, which shed an unusual, delightful light."


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Planar Abstraction: Cardboard Sculpture!

In this project, 3D students were given the task of designing abstract, complex, planar constructions based on observation of organic structures using ONLY corrugated cardboard.  We studied mechanical joints, talked about ground planes, and used tape to incorporate color. We REALLY slowed down and took our time on this project... but it was so worth it!  Great job you guys!

 Krysta Johnson         

Jessica Stoskpf

Jennifer Jacobsen

Alasia Townsend

Antares Martin


Mike Henry

Reggie Still

Although this student strayed a bit from answering the design problem given in the assignment, her hard work, craftsmanship, and exquisite attention to detail have earned her a spot on the blog!

Cynthia Privott

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Portfolio Review III: Light and Form! : Drawing I

In this section, we've been focusing on rendering form.  We talked about "zones" of light on a form (highlight, light in middle tone, middle tone, shadow, shadow accent, cast shadow, and accent in cast shadow).  We continued to use cross-contour to help describe form.  We worked from "prepared grounds", where the drawing surface is prepared by rubbing charcoal dust into the paper to create a middle tone.  With this method, students worked both additively by "adding" marks to the paper with charcoal, or subtractively by removing charcoal with their erasers.  We also worked on gray and colored Canson paper using both black and white charcoal.  One assignment focused on "reflective" surfaces using white charcoal on black paper.

Sarah Jenkins

Andrea Stanely

Jennifer Armstrong

Andrea Stanely

Brittany Smith

Leuyan Zhang

Christina Edwards

Michael Crum

One assignment focused on "reflective" surfaces using white charcoal on black paper.  

Jessie Walker

Mary Smith

Lauren Tatro

Christina Edwards